Perfect is Imperfect

Serene Heng
22 Dec 88


This blog is dedicated to my NM2208 module and it serves as a platform for me to reflect and reminisce upon what I have learnt, created and enjoyed throughout the entire semester. I hope that when the journey finally comes to an end, I would have gained valuable knowledge that will last me for a life time, be it academic based or not. As I read through my archive, I hope to see myself growing yet having fun at the same time. To my friends who viewed this, please enjoy and read it with a light heart. Comments are greatly welcome. Please direct them to HERE. Thanks!



my personal blog


you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down.
skin by: Jane
Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 12:41 PM
Final - Assignment 1

After much contemplation, I've finally picked out two of my favourite copies as my final prototype. =) However, blogger doesn't allow me to upload PDF file to show you here. Hence, I'll be printing out the hard copy, take a picture of it and post it on my blog soon. Be sure to check back again for the pictures!

Previously, my draft for 'Happiness' was unacceptable. My classmates commented that my picture brought out a more gloomy atmosphere than a happy one. Colours reflect upon the overall mood of the picture. Indeed, rain as it is, often gives audience a sense of loneliness, lost and despair. Hence, to counter that, in my prototype, I added rainbow as an umbrella into the picture. Since the focus of the picture is having fun in the rain, I placed the rainbow umbrella in such a way that it did shelter the people at all. You have an umbrella but you don't want to use it. Why? Because you want to play in the rain.=) Also, I added a background gradient to create the cooling feeling you get during rainy days.

Violence can exist in many forms. To me, vulgarities seem to be the root of violence. It sparks off heated argument and leads straight off to physical abuse. In the digitized world, vulgarities are sometimes sensored off and symbols are used to represent profanities. Notice that the start of my name begins from the mouth of the character on the left and ends at the ear of the character on the right.

In class, I learnt that shapes that are angular give a stronger, more forceful feeling compared to round or curvy shapes. So, I re-edited the shape of my name to make the ends more edgy and sharp. Indeed, the ends do make a BIG difference.


After edition!

eeeyeer! the colour on my screen is not like that! i guess much of the colours are lost when i re-save it so many times.
Happiness, you can see my name more clearly now can't you? the rain is made up of rainbow colours to depict the joy of playin in the rain.

For verbal violence, i removed the distracting background and kept everything simple. Words are made more edgy and sharp.
