![]() Serene Heng NUS,CNM 22 Dec 88 profile This blog is dedicated to my NM2208 module and it serves as a platform for me to reflect and reminisce upon what I have learnt, created and enjoyed throughout the entire semester. I hope that when the journey finally comes to an end, I would have gained valuable knowledge that will last me for a life time, be it academic based or not. As I read through my archive, I hope to see myself growing yet having fun at the same time. To my friends who viewed this, please enjoy and read it with a light heart. Comments are greatly welcome. Please direct them to HERE. Thanks! archives affiliates my personal blog credits you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down. skin by: Jane |
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 @ 7:53 AM
Assignment 4 P.S. I couldn't stand my ugly poster. So i did another one. haha! ![]() Bicycle. I created the typograhpy using only one word throughout: Life. Life is like a riding a bicycle. You start from the first stage where you know nothing about journey through one, to the second stage(peak) where you could ride smoothly or even speed through. However, it will also come to a point, the third stage, where the bicycle runs down and is unable to move forward anymore. My design is about the third stage, a phase where it is impossible for you to move on. Many a times when one faces too many problems one shot, his/her life seems to be stucked at one place and is impossible for her to move on. And because of that, there is a high chance that one may fall into depression. Hence, my poster intends to encourage these people, to reach out for help. =) * Well well, for this week, we were given two exercise. Firstly, to sketch two simple pictures in class using simple lines and dots. Each pair are given two unique words as a theme. For me, I was told to draw on ''Mighty'' and ''Value''. Secondly, to create a poster with regards to our environment in A3 size. Here's mine two little sketches: ( Can you guess what they are? Answer will be given at the end of this entry.) For my second assignment, I want to design a poster for children age around 10+ and that it has something to do with saving the plants. I came out with a few headings such as "Stop deforestation", "Let them live"and " Stop poaching" but I decided upon the third one because I thought the heading was short and sweet. Here's the draft to my poster: I choose Mario as my character because I feel everybody and every child know him. Hence, Mario is like a bridge for me to convey my message to the recipients. Also, I pixelate the picture to make it as though the picture was taken from the computer game where you can still see all the small pixels. While I attempt to control's the viewer's attention, my poster was changed from landscape to protrait because viewer's eye movement will channelled from top to the bottom in an orderly manner. During tutorial, my friends gave me some pointers on my poster:
I do agree with what my friends have mentioned. In regards to the points above, I changed the heading to ''Stop Plucking Plants" and reduce the number of words under additional information. Apart from that, I personally feel that my poster has not fulfilled the visual balance a proper should has. I feel that my poster is loaded with too many information, uncessary graphics and emphasized on unimportant words. The overal poster isn't pleasing to my eyes. I'm really not satisfied with it. So, I edited the poster again. ![]() During today's lecture, I learnt about colors. I've gotten rid of those unnecessary colors and tried to keep the number of colors to minimal. I like the updated version much more than the original one. Maybe because the flower is Pink. haha=) Check out this space again and probably I'll upload it soon. Answer: |