![]() Serene Heng NUS,CNM 22 Dec 88 profile This blog is dedicated to my NM2208 module and it serves as a platform for me to reflect and reminisce upon what I have learnt, created and enjoyed throughout the entire semester. I hope that when the journey finally comes to an end, I would have gained valuable knowledge that will last me for a life time, be it academic based or not. As I read through my archive, I hope to see myself growing yet having fun at the same time. To my friends who viewed this, please enjoy and read it with a light heart. Comments are greatly welcome. Please direct them to HERE. Thanks! archives affiliates my personal blog credits you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down. skin by: Jane |
Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 6:27 PM
assignment 5 Some minor edition made. bald trees were made more obvious and also the alignment.=) *CLICK TO ENLARGE*
This is my lastest workpiece and I'm totally in love with it. *GRINS* The objectives of this assignment is create a greeting card themed either Christmas or New Year and illustrate the mood/theme primarily through colors(85%). Also, we need to include a quote related to our card. During the lecture, there were so many terms and concepts being taught and I got lost. Hahaha. Luckily we were able to download the lecture slides for guidance. *SIDE TRACK* Most of the time, Im using Illustrator to do my assignment and as you know, Blogger doesn't allow us to upload PDF files. By pure luck, I discovered a way to change my pdf file to jpeg. PHOTOSHOP. Yes, open the file in Photoshop and save it as JPEG. *END OF SIDE TRACK* First of all, the mood I was tryin to create is the kind of cold, lonely christmas you have to go through when your love ones are faraway from you. It's very different from the typical merry Christmas occasions where everyone is happy. Because I know of friends who dread Christmas. This card is made especially for those who are overseas, whose heart still linger in their homeland. This explains why I choose the quote, " Christmas is lonely without you..." I had the most of the drawing sketched out first, scan it into my laptop and filled it in with colors, with exception to the heart logo. After live paint, a function by illustrator, I have all my design in one colour only. Hence, to create colour for different parts of the card, I added a lot of layers. A lot. I guess because Im quite a noob at using Illustrator, which explains the duration( one whole day literally) and the number of times I restart my laptop because Illustrator crashed. Hahaha.
After a million attempts, I finally gotten my A3 colour scheme properly done. The colours were so fresh and bright I felt really happy and proud of myself. I love all the colour combination created. haha. I guess this is still the most decent work produced out of all 5 assignments. The black border around are intentional because I feel the the black is able to bring out the Colour better as compared to having a white or no borders at all. Looking at the colour scheme, my first workpiece is actually the bottom left dark grey piece. It gave me a mood, sad night. Just like how it would be when you are alone, watching the sunset till the sky turns dark. Other colours are great too. like the top right light grey. the one just below it reminds me of autumn. Hahaha. I guess the baby pink colour suits as well. sweet, romantic and love. OH MAN I DON'T KNOW! Colours really can bring out a totally opposite feel to the pictures. Same design but different feel. I already have autumn, desert, happy, modern feel on top! haha. I need you help, guys. Help me do a poll and tell me which one is your favourite! =)
If you think other choices are better, let me know too! thanks! =)