Perfect is Imperfect

Serene Heng
22 Dec 88


This blog is dedicated to my NM2208 module and it serves as a platform for me to reflect and reminisce upon what I have learnt, created and enjoyed throughout the entire semester. I hope that when the journey finally comes to an end, I would have gained valuable knowledge that will last me for a life time, be it academic based or not. As I read through my archive, I hope to see myself growing yet having fun at the same time. To my friends who viewed this, please enjoy and read it with a light heart. Comments are greatly welcome. Please direct them to HERE. Thanks!



my personal blog


you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down.
skin by: Jane
Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 7:56 AM

These are some of the posters and storyboard i created and drew for my nm3215 advertising strategies project. Shouldn't really appear in this blog but I guess it kinda overlaps with this module. Spot examples of Gestalt's Principle of Continuity and Closure. =)
The storyboard is about how a family of three goes about carrying out daily activities while Kiehl's( the brand we chosen for our project campaign) products come in handy and meet their needs.
I really like the cartoon! haha.