Perfect is Imperfect

Serene Heng
22 Dec 88


This blog is dedicated to my NM2208 module and it serves as a platform for me to reflect and reminisce upon what I have learnt, created and enjoyed throughout the entire semester. I hope that when the journey finally comes to an end, I would have gained valuable knowledge that will last me for a life time, be it academic based or not. As I read through my archive, I hope to see myself growing yet having fun at the same time. To my friends who viewed this, please enjoy and read it with a light heart. Comments are greatly welcome. Please direct them to HERE. Thanks!



my personal blog


you can remove this if you don't have a conscience. i assure you i will not hunt you down.
skin by: Jane
Saturday, November 8, 2008 @ 8:39 PM

P.S. I created new classroom designs for assignment 2 and 3 and also a new new poster for assignment 4! Do check them out cause im very very proud of myself! hahaha.

Why Polar Bears Are White
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This is a group project done proudly by Audrey, Corinne, Ellen and Serene( myself, if you have not already know my name.)

We were given approximately two week to come out with the whole time and another week to send it to the printer. The entire process was, I must say, very challenging and exhausting. As the 4 of us have different schedule, we are not able to meet physically but only through new media like MSN. We did most of our discussions and sending of files there.

The target audience of the storybook is for children 6 year old and above.

No doubt, our story is original, has morale behind it and has beautiful and colourful illustrations to capture children attention. There are ample breathing space between the text and the pictures. We used fun and round font that is easy to read.

One difficulty that I personally came across is that after many editions between my project group mates and myself, I found it difficult to differentiate which files are the original ones and which have been edited. This is due to my poorness is organizing the documents properly. I ended up searching through different drives and looking for 1 file. Sometimes, the exact same file was opened up even though the file name is different.

As this is my first time creating a storybook, I met with a few difficulties at the printer shop. Firstly, I know that since our book is binded together with a hard cover, we need to give allowance at the sides for binding. However, I wasn’t sure of the exact amount of space to leave.

Secondly, I went to the shop with my files saved in AI (Adobe Illustrator) format. As the printer shop and my AI program are of different versions, I ended up not able to open some of the files.

Thirdly, for the book to be binded nicely together, the number of pages needs to be in multiples of 4. Otherwise, we will end up having 2 or more blank pages. Since the number of pages we have is not a multiple of 4, we have 2 empty pages. Fortunately, the shop keeper is able to help us arrange our pages nicely and stick the 2 empty pages together.

As a conclusion, this project has enabled me to grow in skills through working with different people and with different software. I gained new insights through the process of making decisions such as layout, font type and font size.